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System and sensor validation – the basis for product development and meaningful data analysis

Published on: 
April 16, 2017

The validation of data quality and measuring accuracy of related systems and sensors is a mandatory prerequisite for any meaningful data analysis with resulting product development and steady quality improvements. Therefore the standardised Validation Catalogue is executed preceding each system or ship operations analysis that is performed by Hoppe Marine. As a manufacturer and redistributor of high precision measuring equipment and systems for the maritime industry and service provider for standardized and individual data solutions, Hoppe Marine combines unique know-how in the industry.

The data quality section of the Validation Catalogue focuses on data loss, signal mapping, scaling factors and systematic deviations. Implausible value ranges are automatically detected and highlighted. A proactive approach and close cooperation with the service and software department, as well as our customers, guarantees fast detection and correction of causes of error.

The measuring accuracy section of the Validation Catalogue focuses on plausibility and deviation of the measurements of related systems and sensors. Hoppe Marine’s own measuring equipment, like the MAIHAK Performance Meter and flow meters, can hereby be analysed to the very last detail. This enables us to locate the exact source of error in advance, streamlining service operations and saving time and money for our customers. In addition third party equipment, such as speed logs and wind sensors, can be validated to ensure correct functionality.

Knowledge gained from data analysis is also used to develop and improve our hardware and software solutions. For example in 2016 an algorithm was introduced to the MAIHAK Performance Meter software to self-identify zero point drifts and prompt the crew to perform a calibration accordingly. Calibration procedures are logged and can be accessed retrospectively, allowing to prove the proper functioning and accuracy of measuring equipment, for example to comply with standards such as ISO 50001.

The Validation Catalogue by Hoppe Marine is the base for all other standardized data solution products such as the Analysis Catalogue, Fleet and Voyage Comparisons and individually customized analyses. It ensures the highest standards of data quality and measuring accuracy and thereby allows to focus on content-related analysis.

The above figure Torque at Standstill is used to validate the zero point offset of a MAIHAK Performance Meter’s torque measurement at standstill. It is based on the hypothesis that even though tidal and river currents can induce some torque into the shaft during standstill, on average the measured torque should be zero for a representative data set.

The first subplot displays the torque during standstill over time. It can visualize zero point shifts over time or special events such as maintenance or recalibration of the sensors.

The second subplot displays the same data as a histogram to highlight the distribution of the deviation from zero.

In the above case the sensors show optimal behaviour with an average zero offset of only -0.14 kNm and all deviations being well within the ship specific limits of 11 kNm. Additionally no zero point shift over time can be seen. The conclusion is that the data can be trusted and used for further data analysis. The hardware is in good order and no recalibration or maintenance is required.